For some time now you have noticed that your Frenchie Dog is scratching, vomiting, has red patches on his skin and is losing more and more hair. It could be a food allergy. Just like humans, your French bulldog can also develop this kind of allergy and be sensitive to certain types of foods. How does a food allergy manifest in a French bulldog and how to treat it? The answer is in this article.
Food Allergy in the French Bulldog
An allergy is defined as an overreaction of the immune system. It is a food allergy when the reaction occurs in the presence of a specific food or food additive. Food allergy is different from intolerance. In the latter case, your dog will have difficulty digesting certain foods, while an allergy is a reaction of the defense system which in most cases manifests as rashes and digestive disturbances. If your French bulldog has a food allergy, it may be difficult to identify precisely the responsible food since it can be a set of ingredients.
How Does a Food Allergy Manifest In a French bulldog?
Your French Bulldog can develop a food allergy at any stage of their life. Moreover, this kind of allergy appears suddenly and can also disappear overnight. In any case, your dog will only develop hypersensitivity to a food if he has already eaten it on a regular basis.
Symptoms of a dog’s food allergy often show up in their skin and digestive tract. So, if your French bulldog develops hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients in their diet, they may have itchy rashes, red patches, pimples, and hives. But, he can also vomit; have pain in the stomach which is accompanied by diarrhea. It can also happen that his hair is falling out. The symptoms can be combined and your scoundrel can have both skin problems and digestive problems.
What Treatments for Food Allergy in French Bulldogs?
The only way to overcome a food allergy in a dog is to permanently remove the ingredients responsible for its diet.
To determine these ingredients, your French bulldog will need to follow an exclusion diet. This diet consists of removing all the ingredients that could cause an allergy from your diet. He will not be able to consume beef or poultry. He will be entitled to fish or lamb meat. These are easy to digest and low in allergens. Apart from meats, grains can also be responsible for your dog’s allergy. Corn and wheat are indeed allergens for your scoundrel. You will know the diet has worked when your dog feels better and the itching and other discomfort is gone. Finally, to relieve allergy symptoms such as rashes, your dog’s vet may prescribe antihistamines.